At the foot of the Auruncis
The Abbey of Montecassino was for centuries a very important political and economic as well as spiritual . You can ' feel following this route in an area little known but certainly worth a visit : it offers impressive sights of history, art and nature. Our itinerary starts from Interamna Pignataro , an ancient city ' of Roman origin deeply marked by the destruction of the earthquake of 1915 and the Second World War.
Proceeding towards the sea along the highway 630, touch S. Giorgio a Liri , a country located on the Gustav Line , a defensive bulwark of the German forces in the winter of 1943-44 .
A few miles away encounter various centers once satellites of Monte Cassino : St. Apollinaris , founded in the ninth century . Abbot Ginulfo with the aim of making the "breadbasket " of the Abbey ; s. Ambrose on the Garigliano , in a beautiful location at the confluence of the Liri and Gari ; St. Andrew the Garigliano , which suffered much destruction to the last conflict.
As also Vallemaio , where the ferocity of the war but has' saved the beautiful churches of the Annunciation ( XVI cent.) And S. Rosaria XV sec . ) . 630 back on the road so we focus on Esperia . The village was founded by the Normans and the remains of the medieval castle . The ruins of another castle this time built with the intent to defend Monte Cassino, then we find them in Castelnuovo Parano . In the church of the Earth are preserved ancient medieval frescoes . Ausonia , our next stop , marked the tenth century. the boundary between the possessions of the Abbey of Montecassino and the Duchy of Gaeta. Here, too, the urban and ' dominated by a castle of the eleventh century . , As well as from the medieval walls that surround the beautiful Romanesque church of San Michele Arcangelo (XIII ) .
The itinerartio then concludes in Coreno Ausonius , where guests can visit the church of St. Margaret . From Hesperia, Ausonia and Vallemaio you can ' low for long walks and beautiful .